About our guild
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As many of my friends already know, Alliance of Honor guild no longer exists on the Bertoxxulous server. I would like to personally thank everyone was ever a member of the guild for sticking and staying. I will have nothing but fond memories of what we shared together as friends.

In addition I wish to inform anyone who doesnt know that I have moved my account to the new server Terris Thule. Alethius, Herby, Xerxces and the rest will all be living thier lives there now.

As for this website, I intend to keep it as a place for all my friends and i to share tales and expeiences and basically just stay in touch. Check in from time to time and say hi on the message board. Ill be updating the site soon. Thanks all!


EQ links
Items database
EQ druids.com
Casters realm
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